︎ T H E L A T E S T ︎
︎ C O M I N G U P ︎
Online Premier of the Final Cut of our film “Beekeeping in the End Times”
May 20, 2025 The World Bee Day
7pm (multiple time zones)We will show the final cut of the film then take it back to studio for post-production. Think of it as a chance to join the editing process by sending your comments after viewing. Once the sound and color editing have been finally finished, the movie will be made available to public for future screening, free of charge.

︎ T A L K ︎
January 05, 2025.
On line seminar. Muslim Foodways.“Taste of Honey: Flavours of the Waning World”
Larisa Jašarević
Registration at:
About Muslim Foodways:
Muslim Foodways network is dedicated to exploring the social, political, and cultural dynamics of foodways across the Middle East and throughout the wider Muslim world. Through our first initiative - an online seminar series - we aim to showcase new research in a lively and accessible format, learning about and discussing works-in-progress, seminal texts, and creative food writing. We invite academics, food writers, and culinary enthusiasts at all career stages and from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to join us in examining the intersection of food, religion, and culture.

︎ T E X T ︎
December 06, 2024.
“For the Future-Wary: Eco-eschatology in Four Steps.” In Journal of Muslims in Europe. 13(3): 322-335.
This essay gleans insights from local ecological practices and Islamic sources to address global climate futures. It outlines an eco-eschatology, as a disposition and practice of living towards the possibility of the end of the world. Key themes of eco-eschatology – attentiveness to the multispecies world, contemplation of human responsibility, hopefulness against the odds, and commitment to activism – are resonant with current eco-concerns. What eco-eschatology recommends, however, are due considerations of human contingency and divine agency in the climate disaster that makes us all muslim: subjects rather than sovereigns, at the mercy of what is, at the same time, beyond us and intimately involved with us.
(for an electronic copy of the article, please email us at beekeepingintheendtimes@gmail.com)︎ P O D C A S T ︎
November 01, 2024.
“Beekeeping in the End Times: A View from Bosnia”
with Larisa Jašarević
Hosted by Anna M & Elia Ayoub https://thefirethesetimes.com/2024/11/01/beekeeping-bosnia-in-the-end-times-w-larisa-jasarevic/
For episode 175, Elia Ayoub and Anna M (co-host of Obscuristan) are joined by Larisa Jašarević to talk about her new book “Beekeeping in the End Times.” They delve into bees and Abrahamic faiths, climate change, folk tradition, and above all how we can all be connecting to the natural world while still remaining rooted in ourselves and our lives.
The Fire These Times is a proud member of From The Periphery (FTP) Media Collective.
︎ P O D C A S T ︎
October 26, 2024.
New books in Anthropology,
“Beekeeping in the End Times,” Larisa Jašarević
Hosted by Yadong Li
Every hundred years, as the story goes, two angels wonder out loud whether the bees are still swarming. For as long as the bees are swarming, the angels are reassured, the world holds together. Still, the tale suggests, the angels live in anxious anticipation of the End. Local beekeepers in Bosnia and Herzegovina retell the old tale with growing unease, as their honeybees weather the ground effects of climate change.
︎ B O O K ︎
︎ T E X T S, T A L K S &
T O U R S ︎
︎ S Y M P O S I U M ︎
September 26-27, 2024.
Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies Research Centre of the Sloveninan Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
“Hot as Hell: An Eschatological Reading of Extreme Weather,” Larisa Jašarević.

︎ T A L K ︎
September 5, 2024.
Lady Fatima Inagural Lecture, Habib University, Karachi, Pakistan.
“Thinking on the Tattered Planet: Ecostress, Religion, and the Gender Quarrel.”
This inaugural talk seeks to anticipate themes in the Lady Fatima Chair in Women and Divinity lecture series, by asking generally: what thinking can we aspire to cultivate on our tattered planet? Weaving together notes on extreme heat, blazing over the planet through 2024, Prophetic lessons on sustainable living, and reverent memories of Hazrat Bibi Fatima (as), the talk revisits the themes of living tradition and life science, religion and hope, as well as the gender quarrel, ongoing under the conditions of ecostress in which we all participate.
︎ C O N V E R S A T I O N ︎
July 8, 2024.
CaMP Anthropology.Larisa Jašarević on her book, Beekeeping in the End Times.
︎ B O O K L A U N C H ︎
March 28, 2024.
Queen Mary University of London, 5:00 pm (GMT).
“Beekeeping in the End Times” book launch.

︎ C O N V E R S A T I O N ︎
April 19, 2024.
Queen Mary University of London.
Doing IPS Symposium - 2nd Edition.

︎ T A L K ︎
March 7, 2024.
A Netherlands beekeepers’ association.
“Beekeeping in the End Times” online event, open to public.
Registration at:
https://inheemsedonkerebij.nl/event/lezing-beekeeping-in-the-end-times-larisa-jasarevic/︎ T E X T ︎
How Beekeepers Are Experiencing the Effects of Climate Change in Bosnia
New Lines Magazine, Reportage Climate Change, 23. Novembar, 2023.
Unpredictable seasonal changes and odd effects on plants have made it a struggle to simply keep the bees alive.

︎ S C R E E N I N G & B O O K R E A D I N G ︎
November 22, 2023.
University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany.
“Beekeeping in the End Times” Film screening and Book Reading.

︎ T A L K ︎
October 25, 2023.
Cambridgeshire Beekeepers' Association.
“Beekeeping in the End Times” online lecture.
The CBKA are delighted to welcome Larisa Jasarevic to talk about the effects of climate change on beekeeping in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/b eekeeping-in-the-end-times-tickets-656767518327?aff=oddtdtcreator

︎ T A L K ︎
May 3, 2023.
Environmental Futures , Queen Mary, University of London.
“Beekeeping in the End Times” lecture.

︎ S C R E E N I N G ︎
May 4, 2023.
Hitchcock Cinema, Queen Mary University of London.
“Beekeeping in the End Times” public editing event.

︎ T E X T ︎
An Apiarian Abyss. New Lines, vol.2, April 2023.
printed edition
The effects of climate change on bees in Bosnia sparked a struggle to keep them alive.

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Time to Dread. Anthropology Today. 39 (2) 1-2.

︎ T A L K ︎
March 8, 2023.
Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Basel, Switzerland.
“If you saw the world ending: An eco-eschatology in five steps.”
︎ T E X T ︎
From Atop a Mountin: Living, writing , etc.
Women Wrtie the Balkans, 27 January, 2023.

︎ T A L K ︎
November 18, 2022.
Berliner Insitute für Islamische Theologie

︎ T E X T ︎
A sweet remedy for the ills of war
Finding solace in apiaries since Bosnia’s war and the troubled peace.
TRT World Opinion, 5. April, 2022.
︎ T E X T ︎
When honey ceases to flow
Honey can flow in landscapes with dismal histories. But what futures are forecast in the honey’s waning from the wilds?
TRT World Opinion, 7. April, 2022.
︎ T A L K ︎
December 8, 2021.
Copenhagen Business School. “Apocalypse is a Heartbreak,” a keynote.

The keynote and the accompanying video set the tone for the workshop “Organizing for apocalypse,” convened jointly by ephemera, an independent, open access journal run by a devoted editorial collective and AlterEcos, a research group at the Copenhagen Business School. Starting from the premise that an apocalypse is more conceivable than ever the workshop asked might we prepare for an apocalypse and what to make of the many ongoing efforts to anticipate, counter, broadcast, or downplay apocalyptic organizing. In response, the keynote spoke of a heartbreak,as a devastating, intimate experience that Sufis highly recommend and practically cultivate in their contemplations of death and the world’s looming End. Heartbreaking is also everyday experience of local beekeepers in the face of the recurrent, disheartening finding that honey’s waning from the wilds. In fact, our species capacity for a heartbreak may be most effectively stalling the world’s bad end, the keynote proposed. The video compiles footage from the film, Beekeeping in the End Times, currently in production.
︎ T A L K ︎
May 5, 2021.
Cultural Studies UCSC Colloquium — Beekeeping in the End Times

A family of would-be migrants reenacts a swarm hunt at their former apiary in northeastern Bosnia. Their folk spells were well-attuned to the sorts of crises that tatter old human-apian ties, except the latest: extreme weather and emigration. Meanwhile, one tepid February, shepherds reflect on gratitude as their sheep graze by the growing coal-power plant. “The End is not yet,” they say. These are snapshots of what Jasarevic calls the quiets of disaster. Sharing a rough cut of a story from an ethnographic film, Jasarevic’s presentation concerns disaster ecology, Islamic eschatology, and ethnography as a homesteading craft.
︎ T E X T ︎
Have You Heard a Matica Sing?
Beekeeping After the War in Bosnia&Herzegovina
13. December, 2018.

Published by SAPIENS (An editorially independent magazine of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research), this video essay summarizes our take on local beekeeping.
︎ V I D E O S ︎
︎ V I D E O ︎
“Season with no name”

video, 4. min. 2023.
Unpredictable seasonal changes and odd effects on plants have made it a struggle to simply keep the bees alive.
︎ V I D E O ︎
“How to live on a battered pnanet?”
How to live on a battered planet?
Caring for bees, beavers, bats or brambles is not a humble starting point. It is the hands on chance to work against apocalypse while also pondering the meaning of the world that brings the marvellous multitude together and also brings misery and ruin.
︎ V I D E O ︎
“Apocalypse is a Heartbreak”
“Apocalypse is a Heartbreak” is a video prepared for ephemera & AlterEcos workshop to tell what bees and Bosnian Muslim beekeepers, Sufi lessons, and Islamic myths of end times have to offer in ways of thinking and organizing against apocalypse. In a word, a heartbreak, but not despair.
︎ V I D E O ︎
Have you heard a ‘matica’ sing?

︎ V I D E O ︎
Taste the Honey

This video essay was composed for Translating Vitalities Collective, Istria,
Summer of 2018.
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Write to us
— beekeepingintheendtimes@gmail.com —
Write to us
— beekeepingintheendtimes@gmail.com —